IMC contributes to Jeddah Season’s success with largest medical care project

IMC contributes to Jeddah Season’s success with largest medical care project

Saudi Arabia - With the closure of its activities that lasted for two months, the International Medical Center - Medical Sponsor (Premium) for the Jeddah Season 2022 was able to leave its mark on the success of this grand event, which received more than 6 million visitors in 12 regions that hosted entertainment events ever since its launch in accordance with Holy Eid Al Fitr, where the IMC placed its capabilities of the highest levels of health care to the service of Jeddah’s inhabitants and visitors who attended to participate and enjoy the activities of the Season.

IMC’s plan included the establishment of 9 clinics and medical units equipped with the latest tools and distributed all across the areas of the venue, with the provision of 10 ambulances, in addition to 14 medical golf cars for rapid movement in narrow and crowded areas, in addition to several medical teams, accounting to 61 participants of the highest qualifications persistently in a state of vigilance and promptness.

Regarding the objectives of the plan illustrated by the Medical Care Department for the Jeddah Season 2022, Lujain Shugdar, Head of the Marketing Department at IMC and General Supervisor of the Strategic Partnership Project with Jeddah Season