KSrelief, WHO join forces to bolster health response in Gaza

KSrelief, WHO join forces to bolster health response in Gaza

Saudi Gazette reportRIYADH — The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) recently forged a significant partnership with the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) to amplify emergency health efforts in the Gaza Strip. This collaborative agreement, valued at $10 million, aims to expand medical supplies and provide essential logistical support to individuals affected by the ongoing crisis.The virtual signing ceremony of this agreement featured the participation of KSrelief's Assistant General Supervisor for Operations and Programs, Eng. Ahmed Al-Baiz, and WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean, Dr. Hanan Balkhi.One of the primary objectives of this accord is to alleviate the acute shortage of vital medical resources, including medicines and fuel, essential for maintaining the functionality of health facilities in the Gaza Strip. Furthermore, it aims to ensure a steady supply of medications and basic medical necessities to 40 medical institutions in the region.This collaborative initiative is designed to enhance and reinforce the capabilities of healthcare facilities within the Gaza Strip, thereby enabling them to respond more effectively to health emergencies. By doing so, it seeks to mitigate the number of critical medical cases and fatalities resulting from the inadequate provision of healthcare services, ultimately benefiting approximately 456,000 individuals.The