Middle East Healthcare Company (Saudi German Health) Announces the Opening of Nomination for Membership of the Board of Directors for Its Next Session

Middle East Healthcare Company (Saudi German Health) Announces the Opening of Nomination for Membership of the Board of Directors for Its Next Session

|Element List||Explanation|

|Introduction|| The Middle East Healthcare Company (Saudi German Health) announces the opening of nomination for membership of the Board of Directors for its next session, which starts from 17/09/2023 and for a period of three years ending on 16/09/2026 in accordance with the conditions, controls and requirements contained in the Companies Regulation issued From the Ministry of Commerce and Investment and the Corporate Governance Regulations issued by the Capital Market Authority and the policies, standards and procedures for membership in the Board of Directors of the company approved by the General Assembly (attached), and in accordance with the applicable legal conditions, controls and procedures in this regard. Candidates will be elected at the general assembly meeting, date of which will be announced later after obtaining the necessary approvals from the competent authorities.


Candidates that meet the membership conditions and criteria must apply for their nomination applications during the opening period and in accordance with the details as below.

|Type of Assembly||New Session|

|Assembly Start Date||2023-09-17 Corresponding to 1445-03-02|

|Assembly End Date||2026-09-16 Corresponding to 1448-04-05|

|Number of members||7|

|Application Start Date||2023-04-06 Corresponding to 1444-09-15|

|Application End Date||2023-05-07 Corresponding to 1444-10-17|

|Applications Submission Method|| Applications and their attachments to be submitted to Nomination and Remuneration Committee by sending them