Misk survey 2023: Youth prioritize mental health in global concerns

Misk survey 2023: Youth prioritize mental health in global concerns

Saudi Gazette reportJEDDAH — The Misk Global Youth Survey 2023, conducted by the Misk Foundation, reveals critical insights into the mindset of today's youth and their perspectives on social change.With a sample of 18,000 young people from 20 countries, the survey offers a comprehensive view of the hopes, fears, and aspirations of the younger generation.One of the most striking findings of the survey is the high level of concern for mental health among youth.About 25% of the respondents ranked mental health as their top social concern, indicating a growing awareness and prioritization of mental well-being in the younger generation.This finding underscores the need for policymakers and social leaders to focus more on mental health resources and support for young people.The survey also highlights a significant gap between youth and current leaders in terms of trust and understanding.Many young respondents expressed a lack of trust in traditional institutions, suggesting disconnect between the aspirations of the youth and the priorities of current leadership.This trust gap points to the necessity of more inclusive and youth-centric policies and decision-making processes.Another key aspect revealed by the survey is the discrepancy in the skills valued by leaders versus those possessed by the youth.Many young people feel