Over 2700 healthcare facilities in Saudi Arabia to treat Umrah pilgrims under insurance scheme – Saudi Gazette

Over 2700 healthcare facilities in Saudi Arabia to treat Umrah pilgrims under insurance scheme – Saudi Gazette

JEDDAH — The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has announced that pilgrims and visitors can benefit from more than 2,764 facilities providing health services in various cities and regions of the Kingdom during the current Umrah season, as part of the insurance program for Umrah performers coming from from all over the world.

A selection of 151 public and private sector hospitals will provide services to pilgrims and visitors coming to Makkah and Madinah, in addition to 773 health centers and polyclinics, as well as 1,840 medical laboratories and pharmacies all over the Kingdom.

The insurance program aims to enhance the quality of life for Umrah pilgrims and visitors while they are in Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah and pray in the Prophet's Mosque. The program was launched by the Ministry to improve quality of service provided to pilgrims and to enrich their religious and cultural experience within the objectives of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

The insurance policy provides healthcare and travel protection and harnesses all capabilities and efforts to serve pilgrims and fulfil all their requirements from the moment they arrive in the Kingdom and until their departure after performing the rituals. This comes within the objectives of Vision 2030 to improve