Palestinian Minister of Health thanks Saudi Arabia for assistance to confront COVID-19

Palestinian Minister of Health thanks Saudi Arabia for assistance to confront COVID-19

Palestinian Minister of Health thanks Saudi Arabia for assistance to confront COVID-19

الاثنين 1442/4/29 هـ الموافق 2020/12/14 م واس

Ramallah, Dec 14, 2020, SPA -- The Palestinian Minister of Health, Mai Al-Kaila extended thanks to Riyadh-based King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), Saudi Arabia's relief arm, for the 4th assistance consignment KSrelief shipped to assist the Palestinian people confront coronavirus COVID-19 as part of a series of assistance to the Palestinian people.

In a statement today, she said that this particular consignment contains 4012 gallons of disinfections and 12 pumps presented by KSrelief, recalling that previous shipments have extended hospital beds, surgery tables, artificial respiratory devices and other emergency and medical supplies.


22:45 LOCAL TIME 19:45 GMT