Saudi Arabia mandates COVID-19 booster shot to enter public places

Saudi Arabia mandates COVID-19 booster shot to enter public places

People in Saudi Arabia will have to receive a booster vaccination shot against COVID-19 in order to attend events and use public transport from February 1, 2022, according to the official SPA news agency.

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Those who have not received the booster shot more than eight months after their second vaccine dose will no longer be considered ‘immune’ in the Kingdom’s contact-tracing Tawakkalna app from February 2.

An ‘immune’ status in the app is required to attend events, enter government buildings, and travel by plane or public transport.

Residents who were previously exempt from having to be vaccinated will not be required to receive booster shots.

The announcement comes as the world tentatively braces for the potential spread of a the new Omicron strain of COVID-19.

Saudi Arabia announced its first case of the new strain on Wednesday.

Read more:

UAE doctors urge uptake of COVID-19 booster shot after Omicron variant discovery

COVID-19 variants emerge due to lax precautions, not getting vaccinated: Saudi Arabia

UAE offers COVID-19 vaccine booster shots for adults amid concern over Omicron