Saudi Arabia ranks second among countries ‘best coexisting with COVID-19 pandemic’

Saudi Arabia ranks second among countries ‘best coexisting with COVID-19 pandemic’

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has ranked second for the best countries that have coexisted with COVID-19 pandemic in Bloomberg's COVID Resilience Ranking for January 2022.

According to the ranking of the reopening progress, the Kingdom scored 77.8 points as it rose 18 places in the classification, while it recorded 154.8 points in the vaccine doses per 100.

In terms of lockdown severity, the Kingdom scored 49 points, and -24.3% in flight capacity, while in vaccinated travel routes it has scored 383.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia in the COVID status rating scored 301 in the month cases per 100,000m, and 0.1% in month case fatality rate, and 247 for the total death per 1 million, as it scored 2.9% for positive test rate.

According to the quality of life rate, the Kingdom scored 14.4% in the community mobility, while in the 2022 GDP growth forecast it has achieved 5.9%, and 64 in the universal healthcare coverage, and 0.85 in the human development index.

The United Arab Emirates ranked first in Bloomberg's COVID Resilience Ranking with 78.9 points, after advancing two places from the last classification.

Bloomberg's statement praised the strategies of Saudi Arabia and the UAE in confronting the pandemic, especially stressing the fact that instead of