UAE: 17,892 Covid vaccine doses administered in 24 hours

  • Date: 18-Jan-2022
  • Source: Zawya
  • Sector:Healthcare
  • Country:UAE
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UAE: 17,892 Covid vaccine doses administered in 24 hours

The UAE has administered 17,892 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine in the past 24 hours. The country's Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) said the total doses administered now stand at 23.1 million. This takes the rate of doses to 233.65 doses per 100 people. var width=document.documentElement.clientWidth;if(width>=320&&width<728){}; googletag.cmd.push(function(){try{var d=document.documentElement.clientWidth;var a;var c="/21857811890/en.zcom/";var b;if(d>=320&&d<728){a=[300,250];b=["mobile_mr_story"]}else{a=[300,250];b=["MR_Story"]}var h="MR_Story";var g=googletag.defineSlot("/21857811890/en.zcom/",a,"div-gpt-ad-MR_Story").setTargeting("type",b).addService(googletag.pubads());gptAdSlots.push(g);if(h!="MR_Story"){googletag.pubads().collapseEmptyDivs(true,true)}googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest();googletag.enableServices();if((h=="PSB_Left")||(h=="mobile_psb_left")||(h=="PSB_Top")||(h=="mobile_psb_top")||(h=="PSB_Bottom")||(h=="mobile_psb_bottom")||(h=="PSB_Middle")||(h=="mobile_psb_middle")||(h=="leaderboard_home")||(h=="leaderboard_bottom_home")||(h=="mobile_leaderboard_home")||(h=="mobile_leaderboard_bottom_home")){setInterval(function(){googletag.pubads().refresh([g])},240000)}}catch(f){console.log("Error loading Ad banner "+h)}}); try{googletag.cmd.push(function(){googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-MR_Story")})}catch(e){console.log("Error displaying Ad banner "+bannerName)}; India's Gennova Biopharmaceuticals is working on an Omicron-specific Covid-19 vaccine candidate that could be ready in a month or two, a person with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters. The source, who did not want to be named as the information was private, said the product might need a small trial in India before it could be rolled out as a booster or standalone vaccine. A representative for Gennova, a unit of drugmaker Emcure Pharmaceuticals that does business in some 70 countries, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Pfizer Inc said last week a redesigned Covid-19 vaccine that specifically targets the Omicron coronavirus variant could be ready to launch by March. Meanwhile, Novak Djokovic could be barred from playing in the French Open as things stand now after the Sports Ministry said on