UAE reviews measures to control obesity of people

  • Date: 04-Mar-2021
  • Source: Gulf Today
  • Sector:Healthcare
  • Country:UAE
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UAE reviews measures to control obesity of people

March 4 is "World Obesity Day" and the Ministry of Health and Prevention alongside specialists in the UAE including officials of international institutions is encouraging everyone to be on the move and get more serious in avoiding excessive weight gain as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has also heightened obesity rates worldwide. Regarding the relationship between obesity, COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases, Canadian Specialist Hospital (CSH) consultant laparoscopic/general and obesity surgeon Dr. Basim Alkhafaji told Gulf Today: "The oxygen level as it is, is not the same for a healthy body and an obese body. The lungs of an obese person have to do double the work than a healthy body to provide oxygen for his entire body. Now when COVID-19 hits a healthy person, his respiratory system gets weak. "His lungs would not be able to do the required function and his oxygen levels might go down because of this. But, since his body is healthy, he would be able to recover from it gradually as the virus leaves his body. When it comes to an obese person, his lungs are already struggling to provide oxygen for the body. This becomes worse when he is hit with COVID-19 and