A UAE-based startup addresses gaps in women’s medical care

  • Date: 27-Jun-2020
  • Source: Arab News
  • Sector:Healthcare
  • Country:UAE
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A UAE-based startup addresses gaps in women’s medical care

CAIRO: While countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) have responded unevenly to the coronavirus pandemic, a majority imposed aggressive temporary lockdowns on businesses and people's movement.

Containment efforts, paired with a global economic slowdown, supply chain disruptions and a drop in crude oil prices, have had grave implications for regional enterprises.

In anticipation of prolonged pain, some MENA businesses have reacted quickly and creatively to this economic turmoil. Here is a look at some of the innovations that swiftly took hold.

* Fine dining delivered to your home

Luxury dining is perhaps the hardest-hit segment of the food and beverage industry. Operators were quick to switch to delivery and takeout.

"High-end fine dining restaurants such as Coya (and) Zuma, amongst others, have pivoted in this way, and it's inspiring to see restaurants quickly move to a completely new business model,“ said Ryan Andrews, marketing director of Eat App, a Bahraini startup providing an electronic system for restaurant reservations.

Chatfood, a platform offering a commission-free direct-to-consumer delivery option for restaurants, witnessed a surge in new clients from the region, said co-founder Ben Mouflard.

(Image: EAT App)

* The rise of e-commerce

E-commerce in the region has been growing at a cumulative rate of 25 percent since 2014,