Honeywell makes it easier for building owners to demonstrate building health performance

  • Date: 22-Dec-2022
  • Source: Zawya
  • Sector:Healthcare
  • Country:UAE
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Honeywell makes it easier for building owners to demonstrate building health performance

- Establishes unbiased building health and air quality performance baselines through assessments by UL Solutions and SafeTraces and verifies improvements through the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI)’s WELL programs

Dubai, United Arab Emirates – Honeywell (Nasdaq: HON) today launched its Healthy Building Services program to help building owners and operators track and improve indoor environmental quality, improve overall building health and occupant well-being, and gain industry recognition for their efforts. Backed by assessments and certification systems from third-party organizations, the program enables owners and operators to assess building performance, take steps to improve indoor air quality, and assure their efforts have made a difference.

Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) refers to the operations of a space to make it healthier, comfortable and energy efficient, including factors such as indoor air quality (IAQ), lighting and thermal conditions, among others. As a critical element of IEQ, air quality can impact occupant well-being and productivity, energy efficiency and real estate value.[i]

“The importance of improving indoor air quality won’t go away as the pandemic subsides,” said Umar Khan, general manager of sustainability, smart cities and energy, Honeywell Building Technologies, Middle East, Turkey and Africa. “As more workers return to offices on a full-time or hybrid schedule, they