Al-Sisi calls for enhancing African industry to engage in global value-added chains: Egypt

  • Date: 17-Jul-2023
  • Source: Zawya
  • Sector:Industrial
  • Country:Egypt
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Al-Sisi calls for enhancing African industry to engage in global value-added chains: Egypt

President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has stressed that the African continent has to continue its efforts to mobilize financial resources in priority areas, especially infrastructure development, within the framework of the African Infrastructure Development Program. This came in his speech before the 5th mid-year coordination summit of the African Union (AU) hosted by Kenya on “continental integration plans”. Al-Sisi highlighted the important projects that would enhance the role of the industrial sector in African countries, including the navigational link between the Mediterranean Sea and Lake Victoria, and the land road linking Cairo and Cape Town, which aim to engage Africa in global value-added chains. In this context, he called for the adoption of the proposal of the NEPAD secretariat to launch the “Africa team to mobilize resources” initiative to identify the financing needs of the continent of Africa. AL-Sisi reviewed the most prominent Egyptian priorities of the NEPAD presidency over the next two years, calling for the need to move forward in mobilizing the necessary resources for the tripartite link between peace, security, and development. This programme shares its priorities and goals with the file of post-conflict reconstruction and development, whose leadership was supervised at the level of the African continent.