Implanting Legal Reasoning Into AI Could Smartly Attain Human-Value Alignment Says AI Ethics And AI Law

  • Date: 01-Dec-2022
  • Source: Forbes
  • Sector:Industrial
  • Country:Egypt
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Implanting Legal Reasoning Into AI Could Smartly Attain Human-Value Alignment Says AI Ethics And AI Law

Share to Linkedin Tough challenges confront embodying the law into AI, including using AI-infused Legal Reasoners to ... [+] guide and keep the rest of AI on the upright legal track. In today's column, I am going to weave together a myriad of seemingly disparate AI-related topics into one nicely woven fabric. Are you ready? Imagine that you are using an AI-powered app that is aiding you while undertaking some kind of significant task. Perhaps the matter is a financial one or could be health-related. The essence is that you are depending upon the AI to do the right thing and perform in a presumed safe and sound manner. Suppose the AI veers into unethical territory. You might not realize that the AI is doing so. For example, the AI could be relying upon potentially hidden discriminatory factors such as race or gender, though you might not have any viable means of discerning the untoward usage. There you are, all alone, getting the short end of the stick via an AI that has either been devised from the get-go in a problematic way or has managed to steer into dicey and borderline ethical endangerment (I'll be saying more about this