Food security is a top national priority: Industry, Trade, Supply Minister – Roya News English

  • Date: 19-Jun-2021
  • Source: Roya News
  • Sector:Industrial
  • Country:Jordan
  • Who else needs to know?

Food security is a top national priority: Industry, Trade, Supply Minister – Roya News English

Saturday, the Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply Maha Ali addressed food importers and merchants on the measures taken by the Jordanian government last week to curb the rise in prices of basic food commodities in the local market amid rising global shipping rates.

During a meeting with the Amman Chamber of Commerce (ACC), Ali stressed the importance of maintaining strategic food reserves to enhance food security, which is a top priority for the government.

She called on the private sector to diversify imports from various different countries, noting that the ministry will look into all proposals "in a manner to achieve the public interest and ensure price security."