First-ever reverse osmosis desalination training and hiring program launched for Saudi females

First-ever reverse osmosis desalination training and hiring program launched for Saudi females

- ENGIE, the two-year program will provide theoretical, technical, and vocational training in water desalination, power generation, maintenance, and operations

- On successful completion of the program, 15 of the female trainees will be hired as full-time Plant Operations Technicians at Yanbu 4 or Jubail 3B - ENGIE’s Saudi-based reverse osmosis desalination plants

ENGIE, the global low-carbon energy company, and long-term energy partner to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, today signed an agreement with the Higher Institute for Water and Power Technologies (HIWPT) to launch a unique training program in the field of reverse osmosis desalination, exclusively for Saudi women.

In the presence of SWPC CEO, Khalid Al Qureshi, and Ghanem Alghanem from the Human Recourse Development Fund, Turki Alshehri, ENGIE’s CEO in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Tariq Al Shamrani, Executive Managing Director at HIWPT - Higher Institute for Water and Power Technologies, signed the agreement in a ceremony organized in the Fairmont, Riyadh.

The agreement sets out the details of the two-year program for 15 Saudi females. Based on the agreement, participants receive theoretical and practical hands-on training in water desalination, power generation, maintenance, and operations. On completing the program, the 15 participants will be hired as full-time ‘Plant Operations Technicians’