Modon inaugurates specialized center to train Saudi women to work in industrial cities

Modon inaugurates specialized center to train Saudi women to work in industrial cities

RIYADH — Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones (Modon), in cooperation with Kafo Charity for Employing and Training, has inaugurated a specialized training center at the second industrial city in Riyadh, which aims at empowering women in the industrial sector. Modon CEO Eng. Khalid Bin Mohammad Al-Salem noted that the strategic partnership between the two sides targets developing the role of Saudi women in the national economy under Modon’s strategy to empower industry and contribute to increasing the local content according to the initiatives assigned to it under National Industrial Development and Logistics Program (NIDLP) in accordance with the Saudi Vision 2030. He stressed that the new center was established in the second industrial city in Riyadh to design and offer women training programs that accord with the requirements of the labor market in the industrial sector. He added that cooperation between Modon and Kafo enhances the role of the non-profit sector in industrial cities under the Saudi Vision 2030 that aims at increasing the contribution of this sector to the GDP to 5%. The CEO also pointed out that Modon invests in the potential and capabilities of Saudi women through providing a model environment that keeps pace