Saudi’s industrial decarbonization ambition is a conjoined effort

Saudi’s industrial decarbonization ambition is a conjoined effort

With Saudi Arabia’s industrial sector making up nearly half (around 46%) of the country’s total emissions, it comes as no surprise that the kingdom has launched an ambitious decarbonization agenda for the sector: by 2050, industrial emissions should have been reduced by 65%.

“Saudi Arabia has more than 10,000 industrial facilities, making industry (which spans sectors such as manufacturing, chemicals, heavy production, shipment) one of the key pillars of the economy,” said Adham Sleiman, a partner at Arthur D. Little.

In a new report Sleiman co-authored together with Amer Hage Chahine (a principal at the firm), the pair contend that in order to successfully drive its sustainability agenda, Saudi Arabia’s industrial private sector will need to deliver significant efforts across the entire value chain. At the same time, the government should act as an enabler for the entire ecosystem, and lead by example in the case of state-owned institutions.