Turkish decor group to establish factory in Saudi Arabia

Turkish decor group to establish factory in Saudi Arabia

RIYADH: Turkish decor group Serdur has finalized an agreement with Dubai-based real estate developer Andalusia Courtyard to establish an office in the UAE and a $10 million factory in Saudi Arabia.

The strategic partnership with Andalusia Courtyard will pave the way for the Turkish group’s expansion into the Middle East, with a primary focus on the UAE and Saudi markets.

“We believe that the UAE and Saudi Arabia are now considered strategic attraction poles for the luxurious real estate development, which befits all clients, be they local or global,” said Serdur CEO Serkan Durdu.

He added that the company is committed to bringing its expertise to the region by showcasing its fit-out and furniture products.

Founded in 2006, Serdur specializes in luxurious furniture with an emphasis on five-star hotels and large-scale projects worldwide. The group has provided services to prominent brands including Swiss Hotels, Hilton, Marriott, Hyatt, Rixos, and W Hotels.

“We are proud of this partnership, as it will add new dimensions for our clients, and comes after the launch of our real estate development services. We will proceed to contact the investors and landlords to offer them our services,” said Saleh Tabbakh, CEO of Andalusia Courtyard, in a statement.

Tabbakh said the company aims