Top tips on Risk of Type 2 diabetes in an obese individual

  • Date: 19-Nov-2021
  • Source: Bizbahrain
  • Sector:Industrial
  • Country:UAE
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Top tips on Risk of Type 2 diabetes in an obese individual

At the start of this century, 171 million people were estimated to have type 2 diabetes, and this figure is expected to increase to 360 million by 2030. Overweight and obesity are defined by an excess accumulation of adipose tissue to an extent that impairs both physical and psychosocial health and well-being. According to Dr. Apsia Ruhi Specialist Endocrinologist at Zulekha Hospital Dubai, obesity is considered a health disaster in both developed and developing countries and is escalating significantly in many nations worldwide. Below she shares some of her insights into the disease. Obesity is linked to many medical, psychological, and social conditions, causing increased rates of cardiovascular and renal disease, certain cancers, arthritis, hypertension, sleep apnea , the most devastating of which may be type 2 diabetes. Both type 2 diabetes and obesity are associated with insulin resistance. Most obese individuals, despite being insulin resistant, do not develop hyperglycaemia. Pancreatic β-cells of the islet of Langerhans release adequate amounts of insulin that are sufficient to overcome insulin level reductions under normal circumstances, thus maintaining normal glucose tolerance. The 1st study was the Diabetes Prevention Program to identify individuals who were at risk for developing diabetes because of elevated fasting