Kuwaiti banks setup 10 million KD fund to fight coronavirus – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait English Daily

Kuwaiti banks setup 10 million KD fund to fight coronavirus – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait English Daily

KUWAIT CITY, March 8: Governor of the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) Dr Mohammad Al-Hashel announced on Sunday setting up a KD 10 million ($33 million) fund - to be financed by Kuwaiti banks - to back up government's efforts in fighting the novel coronavirus.. Dr Al-Hashel said in a statement that establishing the special fund came in line with social and national responsibilities as to coping with the emergency health situation, also as back-up to the government departments that have been fighting the novel coronavirus.. KUWAIT CITY, Mar 08: Kuwait Oil has issued a circular for its employees, stipulating the “¦.