Medical charted flights from Sanaa airport to Jordan, Egypt expected today

  • Date: 03-Feb-2020
  • Source: Arab News
  • Sector:Defense
  • Country:Jordan
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Medical charted flights from Sanaa airport to Jordan, Egypt expected today

Medical chartered flights from Sanaa airport to Jordan, Egypt expected today /node/1622181/middle-east. Patient will be airlifted by UN chartered flights from Sanaa airport to hospitals in Cairo and Amman. The air bridge will be launched by the Saudi-led Arab coalition in cooperation with the World Health Organization. Flights to airlift patients from the Houthi-held Sanaa airport for treatment abroad will begin on Monday at 3:00 p.m. local time, diplomatic sources close to the matter told Arab News.. In cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), the Saudi-led Arab coalition will launch the evacuation air bridge from Yemen to Egypt and Jordan.. Iran not sharing evidence from airline crash with Ukraine after audio leak: official /node/1622186/middle-east. Audio file was given to Ukrainian experts as part of a joint investigative team. The audio file was part of the evidence that was given to Ukrainian experts as part of the joint investigative team's examination of the crash..