Egypt calls on world to confront climate reality – Roya News English

  • Date: 23-Jun-2022
  • Source: Roya News
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Egypt
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Egypt calls on world to confront climate reality – Roya News English

In a geopolitical context where climate change is not a priority and progress is slow, Egypt, which will chair the COP27 climate summit in November, called on the world to "face reality" in order to achieve results.

"Because of the geopolitical situation, the issue of climate change is regressing" on the international scene, Director of the Environment and Sustainable Development Department at the Egyptian Foreign Ministry Mohamed Nasr said in an interview with AFP recently on the sidelines of the interim climate negotiations in Bonn.

Egypt will chair the 27th United Nations Climate Conference to be held in Sharm el-Sheikh in November. But after the recent climate summit in Glasgow, where nations pledged to boost their climate ambitions, Russia invaded Ukraine, causing a global economic, energy and food crisis. Hope to maintain the momentum for climate action is fading.