EU tells COP27 it will boost its carbon-cutting commitment – Roya News English

  • Date: 15-Nov-2022
  • Source: Roya News
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Egypt
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EU tells COP27 it will boost its carbon-cutting commitment – Roya News English

The European Union vowed at UN climate talks on Tuesday that it will strengthen its carbon-cutting commitment, insisting that the bloc was not "backtracking" in the face of the war. AFP reported.

Armed with new plans to curb greenhouse gasses, the EU says it will be able to exceed its original plan to cut emissions by 55 percent by 2030 with a new goal of over 57 percent, from 1990 levels.

"The European Union is here to move forwards, not backwards," European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans told delegates in the Egyptian seaside resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.