Fuel prices in Egypt rise by 50 piasters, LE 1 – Egypt Today

  • Date: 13-Jul-2022
  • Source: Egypt Today
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Egypt
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Fuel prices in Egypt rise by 50 piasters, LE 1 – Egypt Today

CAIRO – 13 July 2022: Fuel prices in Egypt witnessed on Wednesday an increase ranging from 50 piasters to LE 1 per liter in the local markets, as per a decision issued by the Fuel Automatic Pricing Committee, the Ministry of Petroleum said in a statement. The new prices are LE 8 for 80 octane gasoline up from LE 7.25; LE 9.25 for 92 octane gasoline up from LE 8.75; and LE 10.75 for 95 octane gasoline, up from LE 9.75. As for diesel fuel, its price went up for the first time in 3 years. The committee increased it by 50 piasters to go up to LE 7.25 from LE 6.75. Meanwhile, the price of a ton of diesel for industries rose by LE 400, bringing it to reach LE 5,000/ton. However, the prices of diesel supplied to the food and electricity industries remained unchanged. The decision came into force on Wednesday morning at 9 am at petrol stations nationwide. The Fuel Automatic Pricing Committee is formed from representatives of the finance and petroleum ministries and is assigned with reviewing gasoline prices in Egypt every three months. The committee assesses the cost of transportation of fuel, the prices of