Here’s how Up-Fuse is turning plastic waste into trendy fashion

  • Date: 28-Jun-2023
  • Source: Gulf Business
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Egypt
  • Who else needs to know?

Here’s how Up-Fuse is turning plastic waste into trendy fashion

My co-founder Lama El Khawanky and I grew up in Egypt and would always see trash dirtying the beautiful shores of Egypt and parts of Cairo and other cities. Unfortunately, the situation only got worse. The mission behind Up-fuse was to create a slow fashion, eco-conscious brand, which seamlessly transforms plastic waste into durable and stylish products for a greener future. We wanted to be active participants in changing everyone’s mindsets revolving around environmental change but were also deeply passionate about creating a social impact in the community. This was the driving factor that inspired us to finally take a huge leap and launch Up-fuse to create products using only recycled and sustainable materials while also supporting our community by creating jobs for the locals. At Up-fuse, we seek to prove that ecologically sound businesses are not far-fetched concepts, as we adopted a business model that helps in reducing waste through production rather than the opposite. Our brand is focused on creating quality pieces that are timeless and designed for longevity to encourage our customers to reduce the need for frequent replacements for their wardrobes. Every single item is upcycled and is produced using only recycled and sustainable materials to