President Sisi explains the cause behind Egypt’s electricity crisis

  • Date: 20-Aug-2023
  • Source: Egypt Independent
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Egypt
  • Who else needs to know?

President Sisi explains the cause behind Egypt’s electricity crisis

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi assured Saturday that the state seeks to provide the basic needs of 105 million citizens, in addition to nine million residences inside Egypt.

During his tour at the Egyptian Military Academy, President Sisi explained the cause of the country’s electricity crisis, saying that: “We need diesel at US$350 million per month.”

“When we talk about electricity, we need 18,000 tons of diesel per day in order to operate the stations at full capacity in order to provide energy in light of high temperatures.”

“We are talking about more than half a million tons of diesel per month… their price is about $300-350 million,” Sisi said.

President Sisi added, “I wanted to reassure you.. The prices of commodities may be high, and this is something that is being considered.. The government is working on a set of measures to mitigate the effects of this crisis.”

As power outages continue to plague the country, many Egyptians are turning to the Ministry of Electricity to find out more about the situation.

Cabinet spokesperson Nader Saad announced that the end of these power outages depends on the plan to reduce loads to provide natural gas, especially after Egypt resorted to using its reserve stock of