Running on natural gas

  • Date: 24-Jul-2020
  • Source: Ahram
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Egypt
  • Who else needs to know?

Running on natural gas

Egypt has adopted a plan to expand the use of natural gas by road vehicles in a bid to reduce fuel imports, lower emissions to protect the environment, and make use of the country's own massive natural gas production.

President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi announced last week during the inauguration of a housing project in Cairo that no licenses will be issued to new cars unless they run on natural gas and called for low-interest loans to be made available to those wanting to replace cars more than 20 years old.

Trade and Industry Minister Nevine Al-Gamea said during the same event that Egypt was planning to replace about 1.3 million older private cars and 50,000 taxis and to convert hundreds of thousands of other vehicles to run on a hybrid system of natural gas and petrol at a total cost of an estimated LE320 billion.

Egypt adopted a recycling programme for cars for the first time in 2008 when the government decided to scrap taxis manufactured more than 20 years ago and provide their drivers with new ones. About 45,000 drivers benefited from the scheme.

The introduction of a similar scheme for private cars was discussed for years, but there were