Why Trying to Fix Others Isn’t the Best Thing to Do – Egypt Today

  • Date: 28-Apr-2024
  • Source: Egypt Today
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Egypt
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Why Trying to Fix Others Isn’t the Best Thing to Do – Egypt Today

Ever heard the phrase “You are my personal therapist”? Then you should probably read this article. Some of us unfortunately fall into the same rabbit hole, the continuous loop of fixing people who we shouldn't fix, simply because we don’t have the capability to fix others, only help them.


Fixing people can have unexpected consequences, whether it's through unwanted advice, imposing our own judgments, or trying to shape them into our ideal version of themselves. Here is why fixing others has multiple pitfalls.


People’s happiness will be your own responsibility

As difficult as it is to accept, you have to remind yourself that it is not your job to make people happy. If you continuously try to mend individuals’ complications, then they will depend on you non-stop to bring them joy and that will eventually create a heavy burden on you and drain your energy.


It increases emotional exhaustion

It's fine to fix a problem or two, but constantly trying to fix people can be extremely draining, as it consumes a huge amount of your emotional and mental energy, leaving you feeling overwhelmed. It can even disrupt your own thoughts, so it is crucial to practice self-care and establish boundaries with those people.


It will create