5 Utility Dividends Up To 9.9%

  • Date: 27-Jun-2021
  • Source: Forbes
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Gulf
  • Who else needs to know?

5 Utility Dividends Up To 9.9%

The Federal Reserve is finally beginning to admit that it's here and, at the moment, it's spectacular. Chairman Jay Powell is still sticking with his "it's only transitory" story, at least for now. Mr. and Ms. Market were spooked for a moment, until they remembered that money printing flows directly into the stock market. So, we dividend investors continue our hunt for safe, meaningful yields amidst this mania-of-sorts that has enveloped everything from tech to lumber to crypto to big tech again. We'll discuss five safe utility dividends“”paying up to 9. 9%!“”in a moment. First, let's review the agency's acclaimed "dot plot" which showed not only that the central bank was now expecting rate hikes by 2023, but that we'd get a pair of them. Moreover, subtle language changes in its statement hint that the Federal Reserve is trying to get everyone used to the idea that it'll eventually taper its massive asset purchases. Traditionally speaking, utilities aren't a classical counter for inflation. But high-yield utility stocks should be insulated from this effect. After all, a 2% paying Treasury note is no competition for a 6. 6%, 5. 9%, or“”better yet“”9. 9% dividend. Spark Energy (SPKE) is a rare small