How the US is trying to bend Opec to its will

  • Date: 04-Nov-2021
  • Source: Financial Times
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Gulf
  • Who else needs to know?

How the US is trying to bend Opec to its will

Three things to start:

1. While Joe Biden and other politicians in Glasgow continue efforts to fight climate change, Opec ministers meet today under pressure from the US to pump more oil, one of the fossil fuels that causes climate change. My FT Big Read on the topic, published this morning, gives some of the background.

2. A Republican won the governor’s race in Virginia and another may be about to do the same in New Jersey (the race was still too close to call as we went to press). We will be doing some reporting in the coming days on what the results mean for the Biden clean energy agenda — both on the local level, given plans for wind turbines offshore from Virginia (and New Jersey), and the national level, as Democrats suffer an ominous political blow just as they try to push new climate legislation through Congress. Meanwhile in Maine, voters rejected a $1bn electricity transmission project that would have brought low-carbon hydropower into the state.

3. The conversation at COP26 has turned to the other kind of green — cash. Mark Carney, the former governor of the Bank of England, stole the headlines with a claim that $130tn in