Money For Green Energy Creates More Jobs Than Fossil Fuel Investment, New Study Finds

  • Date: 18-Oct-2021
  • Source: Huffpost
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Gulf
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Money For Green Energy Creates More Jobs Than Fossil Fuel Investment, New Study Finds

As Congress debates whether to pare down the Biden administration’s signature climate proposals or allow the fossil fuel industry to benefit more from new government programs, new research suggests doing so would create far fewer jobs.

For every million dollars the United States government invests, solar produces over 2.7 times more jobs than fossil fuels, according to an analysis from two environmental think tanks and a labor union. Wind energy spurs over 2.8 times more jobs than investments in oil, gas and coal. And retrofitting buildings to be more energy efficient creates demand for nearly three times as many jobs.

The findings appear to hold true across the world.