The Energy Year In Review: A Year Of Predictable Surprises

  • Date: 28-Dec-2021
  • Source: Forbes
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Gulf
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The Energy Year In Review: A Year Of Predictable Surprises

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 28: A young climate activist joins hundreds of fellow marchers as they walk to ... [+] the White House to demand that U. S. President Joe Biden work to make the Green New Deal into law on June 28, 2021 in Washington, DC. Organized by the Sunrise Movement, the 'No Climate, No Deal' marchers demanded a meeting with Biden to insist on an 'infrastructure package that truly invests in job creation and acts to combat the climate crisis.' (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) With the year 2021 now taking its final steps into the dustbin of history, it's time to look back on what was a year of transition, one filled with surprises, many of which were in fact quite predictable. As 2021 dawned 12 months ago, those who make up the climate alarm lobby were excited, for good reason. They had just helped to elect a new, Democrat president, one who had made all manner of promises to affect transformational change in the energy space. Even more importantly, he had promised to enact a vast array of new and expanded subsidies for wind, solar and electric vehicles, involving hundreds of billions of dollars in new