Why Mexico’s latest energy rule is likely to see a court challenge

  • Date: 24-Jun-2021
  • Source: Financial Times
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Gulf
  • Who else needs to know?

Why Mexico’s latest energy rule is likely to see a court challenge

One thing to start: Russia's Gazprom is squeezing European natural gas consumers and prices are soaring.

Welcome to another Energy Source.

Thanks to everyone who emailed in with views on why US shale producers aren't behaving like drunken sailors again at $70 a barrel oil prices. It's been great to be in touch with so many of you and find a diversity of opinion. (It also confirms my hunch that ES readers are a seriously knowledgeable cohort.) I'll be pulling together some of the comments in ES next week. Please, keep them coming to [email protected].

Today's first note comes from Mexico correspondent Jude Webber, who discusses another move by the country's president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to make life easier for the state-controlled energy companies by modifying rules on imports and exports of hydrocarbons. Private companies are likely to take it to the courts.

Our second picks out some points from a detailed and lengthy study from Bain & Company on the energy transition.

Thanks for reading. Please get in touch at [email protected]. “” Derek

Is third time the charm for AMLO's energy reforms?

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has taken that old adage to heart. His