Why now is the time to install a wood-burning stove and beat the energy crisis

  • Date: 04-Mar-2022
  • Source: The Telegraph
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Gulf
  • Who else needs to know?

Why now is the time to install a wood-burning stove and beat the energy crisis

More than one million British homes will have fired up their wood-burning stoves this winter - and this number only looks set to grow. Installing a log burner, which is cheaper to run than traditional gas and electric heating systems , is more financially appealing than ever due to the rumbling fuel crisis. But, homeowners must remember that running a log burner is not as easy as it seems. Legislation changes imposed strict standards on the type of fuel which can be burnt and some models are far less environmentally friendly than others. So if you are wondering whether to get a log burner installed, here's everything you need to know about their cost on your bank balance and the environment. How much does a wood burner cost to install? There is no hard and fast price for installing a wood burner. The cost will depend on the standard of the stove and the type of property into which it is installed. The initial cost of a burner is significant and can range anywhere from £500 to in excess of £5,000 for luxury designs. Installation costs will depend upon the age of a building and whether it has a chimney.