Lebanon in blackout as power stations run out of fuel

  • Date: 10-Oct-2021
  • Source: Gulf Times
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Lebanon
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Lebanon in blackout as power stations run out of fuel

Lebanon in blackout as power stations run out of fuel

October 09 2021 11:56 PM

People shop in a grocery store under a portable electric light during a power cut near Bhamdoun, Lebanon yesterday.


Lebanon was plunged into a total blackout yesterday after two main power stations went offline because they ran out of fuel, the state electricity corporation said.

The Mediterranean country is battling one of the planet’s worst economic crises since the 1850s, and has in recent months struggled to import enough fuel oil for its power plants.

State electricity in most places is barely available for an hour a day amid rolling power cuts, while the fuel needed to power private back-up generators is also in short supply.

“After the Deir Ammar power station was forced to stop producing power yesterday morning (Friday) due its gasoil reserves running out, the Zahrani plant also stopped this afternoon for the same reason,” Electricite du Liban said in a statement.

This led to the network’s “complete collapse without any possibility of restoring it for the time being”, it said.

It was the second such complete outage reported by EDL since the start of the month, after a similar incident last Saturday.

A source