Gas to play longer role in life cycle of hydrocarbon industry – The Peninsula

  • Date: 10-Jul-2022
  • Source: The Peninsula Qatar
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Qatar
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Gas to play longer role in life cycle of hydrocarbon industry – The Peninsula

Diversification of the economy is imperative to generate jobs in the private sector and one of the goals of Qatar National Vision 2030 is to achieve diversification. Gas will continue to play a much longer role in the life cycle of hydrocarbon industry as it is one of the cleaner hydrocarbons said an expert during the Euromoney Qatar Conference 2022.

Addressing the panel session entitled ‘Global and Qatari macro outlook’, Gourang Hemani, Chief Financial Officer, Qatar Islamic Bank said, “The expansion that is happening in Qatar is very timely. Europe imports roughly as of now 77 billion cubic tonnes of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Qatar is supplying 24 percent of the total, so there is much more room to be able to grow and I think it is a win-win situation for both the regions. Compared to other GCC countries Qatar is in a little bit happier position.

He added, “If you are into the pyramid of hydrocarbons, I think gas is supposed to be one of the cleaner hydrocarbons and gas will continue to play a much longer role in the lifecycle of hydrocarbon industry.”

Alexis Antoniades, Director, Chair of International Economics Georgetown University – Qatar, noted that diversification of the