Save Coral Reef pavilion opens at Expo 2023 Doha – Gulf Times

  • Date: 03-Jan-2024
  • Source: The
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:Qatar
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Save Coral Reef pavilion opens at Expo 2023 Doha – Gulf Times

The Save Coral Reef pavilion at Expo 2023 Doha sheds light on the sustainable practices of marine conservation and environmental awareness.Set up by Mubadara for Social Impact, the pavilion features Interactive displays, educational programmes and immersive experiences, aimed at raising awareness of the significance of coral reefs and the need to conserve them, while inspiring a global movement for coral reef preservation.The pavilion was opened formally Tuesday at the Cultural Zone of the expo in the presence of dignitaries including Mubadara president Dr Saif al-Hajari, director Ahmed al-Meer and general manager Jack Saba, and Blue Marine Life general manager Tony Vargas.“By 2050, 90% of the world's coral reefs could disappear, and we will lose 25% of all marine life,” Saba said.“The consequences could be catastrophic,” he continued. “Rise in the temperature of the seas due to climate change, pollution caused by coastal development, overfishing and destructive fishing practices pose a threat to the survival of coral reefs.”“The scenario needs active intervention and Mubadara, in co-operation with various stakeholders, is taking up efforts to restore coral feeds,” Saba said. “The pavilion is an attempt to make the public aware of the cause.”The experts at the pavilion explained coral aquaculture, which is