From ambition to action: Saudi Green Initiative Forum to begin on Friday  

From ambition to action: Saudi Green Initiative Forum to begin on Friday  

Saudi Gazette report SHARM EL SHEIKH — The second edition of the Saudi Green Initiative (SGI) Forum will kick off on Friday in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, under the slogan “From Ambition to Action”. Taking place 11 – 12 November 2022 on the sidelines of COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, the two-day event will convene an elite lineup of climate experts and thought leaders to discuss the progress that has been made over the past year. After the conclusion of the activities of the second edition of the Green Middle East Initiative summit on Monday, under the patronage of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Ministry of Energy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will hold a special ceremony on Thursday’s evening, with the aim of building on the climate commitments and pledges issued during the summit. It aims to ensure the success of this unique platform in achieving practical and tangible results in order to enhance regional cooperation in the field of climate action. A number of ministers from across Africa, South Asia and the Middle East will join the ceremony organized by the Kingdom with the aim of promoting progress in implementing the “Clean Fuel Initiative for Cooking