Growth expectations are fuelling network security investment, reveal communication service providers

Growth expectations are fuelling network security investment, reveal communication service providers

Amr Alashaal, Regional Vice President – Middle East at A10 Networks.

A10 Networks today published research, Global Communication Service Providers: Market Growth Fuels Security Investments, revealing the priorities, expectations, and perspectives of CSPs across the globe as they evolve and expand their services and infrastructure in an increasingly complex digital environment.

The study was undertaken by independent research organisation, Opinion Matters, among 2,750 senior IT professionals from a range of communication service providers across 11 regions around the world.*

Of the 250 enterprise organisations surveyed in the Middle East (Saudi and UAE), it found that, 100% of service providers surveyed expect to see traffic volumes rise in the next 2-3 years. Almost half (44%) of the respondents expect to see traffic increase by up to 50% – 36% expect traffic to rise by over 50% up to 75%, with one in five (20%) believing it will soar by over 75% or more. The average increase in network traffic volume is expected to be 56%.

As a result, four key themes ran throughout A10 Networks’ second global CSP survey. These were: focusing on investment, preparing for