Iraq, Nigeria vow to improve compliance with OPEC+ cuts on eve of key meet – Saudi Gazette

Iraq, Nigeria vow to improve compliance with OPEC+ cuts on eve of key meet – Saudi Gazette

Saudi Gazette report

RIYADH “” Saudi Arabia's Minister of Energy Prince Abdulaziz Bin Salman held telephone talks on Monday with his Iraqi and Nigerian counterparts, Saudi Press Agency reported.Prince Abdulaziz's talks with the ministers of the two other biggest oil-producing countries assume significance as they took place on the eve of a two-day joint ministerial monitoring committee meeting on the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.

The OPEC ministers are set to recommend the next level of cuts in the meeting.The call between Prince Abdulaziz and Iraqi Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar Ismail focused on developments in the oil market, the improvement in global demand for oil, and progress toward implementation of the OPEC+ agreement.At the end of the call, the Saudi and Iraqi ministers issued a joint statement, confirming their full commitment to the OPEC+ agreement.

Prince Abdulaziz commended Iraq on its performance under the agreement, whereby its conformity in June has approached 90 percent, as reported by the secondary sources.

The Saudi minister thanked his Iraqi counterpart for this achievement and expressed his confidence that Iraq would continue to improve their level of compliance.

For his part, the Iraqi minister confirmed his country's firm commitment to the OPEC+ agreement, and added that Iraq would