National network for supply of natural gas in all industrial zones is in pipeline

National network for supply of natural gas in all industrial zones is in pipeline

Saudi Gazette report RIYADH — The Ministry of Energy, in cooperation with the National Mining Committee at the Federation of Saudi Chambers (FSC), will build a national network to supply natural gas in industrial zones in all cities across the Kingdom. This will be in accordance with a well-thought out time bound plan in order to achieve the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 to support the mining sector and raise its contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP). According to Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper, the National Mining Committee is carrying out a survey to measure the industrial sector’s need to use natural gas in the manufacturing process. The National Industrial Development and Logistics Program (NIDLP), one of the programs of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, aims to transform the country into a leading industrial power and a global logistics platform by maximizing the value achieved from the mining and energy sectors. It also focuses on the axes of local content and the Fourth Industrial Revolution to contribute significantly to maximize the economic impact and diversify target sectors, as well as to sustain the growth of those sectors and achieve entrepreneurship, with creating an attractive investment environment therein. According to the newspaper, the federation informed