Saudi Arabia, France discuss stabilizing global energy markets, food supplies

Saudi Arabia, France discuss stabilizing global energy markets, food supplies

RIYADH: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and French President Emmanuel Macron discussed the importance of stabilizing global energy markets and food supplies during the crown prince’s visit to France, a statement published by state news agency (SPA) reported on Friday. Both leaders also agreed to boost cooperation on renewable energy, including solar energy and clean hydrogen, they said in the statement. Macron and Prince Mohammed discussed the importance of ensuring uninterrupted supplies of wheat and grains to countries across the world to help stabilize prices. They also underlined the need for continued evaluation of the threats facing both countries and the security and stability of the Middle East, read the SPA statement. Boosting cooperation in defense and joining efforts to combat terrorism were also key part of the discussion between both leaders, who agreed to increase economic cooperation and strengthen investments. Prince Mohammed thanked Macron for France’s backing of Saudi Arabia’s bid to host Expo 2030. Macron praised the Kingdom’s efforts to maintain the truce in Yemen, while Prince Mohammed commended France’s backing of the United Nations’ effort to reach a political solution in Yemen. The leaders addressed international efforts made to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon