Saudi Arabia regulates cooking gas distribution and sales market

Saudi Arabia regulates cooking gas distribution and sales market

Saudi Gazette report RIYADH — Saudi Arabia announced the rules regulating the relationship between service providers and consumers with regard to the distribution and sale of liquid petroleum gas (LPG) or cooking gas. The Ministry of Energy published on Saturday a guide detailing the procedures and terms and conditions related to the provision of the service of distributing and selling LPG, relying more on self-service and electronic services. It is noteworthy that the government issued, in the beginning of this month, the executive regulations, organizational regulations, and guide for the provision of service of dry gas distribution system and LPG for residential and commercial purposes. This was part an effort to encourage investment in these activities, as well as to achieve the public interest and development goals in the country. The new guide will be applicable to all outlets that sell LPG cylinders, including shops and cages as well as self-service vending machines. According to the regulations, the service provider is obligated to announce any change in the prices of services or products, while providing options for making the payment either electronically or through point-of-sale devices, as well as SADAD system and all other electronic payment methods. According to the