Saudi Arabia updates terms for fuel stations and service centers

Saudi Arabia updates terms for fuel stations and service centers

Okaz/Saudi GazetteRIYADH — The Saudi Permanent Executive Committee for Fuel Stations and Service Centers announced the issuance of updated terms and conditions for fuel stations and service centers. This is aimed to regulate the sector and develop it in line with global developments and standards in the energy sector, as well as to achieve the goals of Vision 2030 in this vital sector.The committee stated that the updated requirements contribute to regulating the process of establishing, managing, operating and maintaining fuel stations and service centers, and raising the level of services provided by them. The most prominent of these requirements is that fuel stations shall be operated by facilities qualified to manage, operate and maintain gas stations and service centers. There should be distances between gas stations located within and outside the urban boundaries. There are also requirements for pumps, tanks, cleanliness, maintenance, quality, and provision of products.According to the updated terms, existing stations have a corrective period of 12 months from the date of their publication, with the exception of the corrective periods specified in the requirements, with the exception of site requirements and station location distances.The decision regarding the updating of the terms was taken by the committee