Saudi Arabia will ‘come out on top’ in oil markets, JP Morgan predicts

Saudi Arabia will ‘come out on top’ in oil markets, JP Morgan predicts

Analyst Chrystian Malek: Saudi Arabia will come out on top in the fight for market share as non-OPEC and US production fades. "Saudi Arabia will come out on top in the fight for market share as non-OPEC and US production fades," JP Morgan analyst Chrystian Malek said in a report on the oil industry, which suggested that Saudi Arabia will see a large increase in its share of the international oil market as the American shale industry weakens and production declines from outside the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).. Lebanese central bank to inject dollars as currency tumbles /node/1688786/business-economy. Lebanese central bank to inject dollars as currency tumbles. BEIRUT: Lebanon's money changers said the country's central bank agreed Friday to inject fresh dollars into the market to prop up the national currency following a night of protests spurred by the dramatic plunging of the Lebanese pound.. Despite previous efforts to control the currency depreciation, the Lebanese pound sold for more than 6,000 to the dollar Thursday on the black market, down from 4,000 in recent days.. Security forces would also crack down on the black market or any money changers selling above a set rate of 3,940 to