Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea Global deploys innovative robot for beach cleanup

Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea Global deploys innovative robot for beach cleanup

Saudi Gazette reportTABUK — Red Sea Global, responsible for the esteemed Red Sea and Amaala destinations, has introduced a cutting-edge robot dedicated to maintaining the immaculate condition of their beautiful beaches.The electric-powered robot is specifically engineered to enhance the aesthetic of the sand and address the challenge of plastic waste and other debris. Notably, it can identify objects as small as one cubic centimeter.Designed for remote operation, this robot has been meticulously developed to achieve thorough and impactful cleaning results, all while prioritizing environmental protection. Its exceptional agility allows it to navigate effortlessly around beach furniture and other potential obstructions, a capability not commonly found in similar devices. Impressively, it can clean up to 3,000 square meters in just an hour.The robot's initial deployment will be at the Red Sea destination, contributing to the preservation of the natural allure of this premier location and its stunning resorts. This initiative is a testament to Red Sea Global's commitment to maintaining pristine beaches for visitors and fostering a balance between luxury tourism and sustainable environmental practices.The Red Sea destination, which welcomed its first visitors in 2023 with the opening of two hotels, has been increasingly accessible since September via the Red Sea