Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea Global Introduces Beach Cleaning Robot

Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea Global Introduces Beach Cleaning Robot

Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea Global, the developer of the world-renowned destinations of The Red Sea and Amaala, unveiled a state-of-the-art robot to ensure that such stunning beaches remain pristine and free from any waste.

The advanced electric robot was specifically designed to enhance the visual appeal of the sand and tackle the issue of plastic waste and debris, boasting an impressive ability to identify objects as tiny as one cubic cm.

It can be controlled remotely and has been meticulously crafted to deliver comprehensive and remarkable results while protecting the environment. With its exceptional flexibility, it effortlessly manoeuvres around furniture and other obstacles that would pose a challenge for other robots. In just one hour, it can cover an impressive area of 3,000 square meters, according to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

The robot will commence its operations at the Red Sea destination, helping to preserve the natural beauty of this world-class location and its breathtaking resorts. This achievement exemplifies Red Sea Global’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding the beaches for visitors while promoting a harmonious balance between luxurious travel experiences and sustainable environmental practices.

The Red Sea destination welcomed its first visitors in 2023, coinciding with the inauguration of two hotels. Since September, the