Saudi crown prince announces Green Saudi Initiative, Green Middle East Initiative

Saudi crown prince announces Green Saudi Initiative, Green Middle East Initiative

LONDON: Saudi Arabia's crown prince announced two new initiatives to tackle climate change on Saturday.The Green Saudi Initiative and the Green Middle East Initiative aim to clearly define a road map that will protect the planet and significantly contribute to achieving global targets in confronting climate change."As a leading global oil producer, the Kingdom fully recognizes its share of responsibility in advancing the fight against the climate crisis. Just as the Kingdom underpinned energy markets during the oil and gas era, it is going to become a global leader in forging a greener world,“ Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced said.Prince Mohammed said that the Kingdom and the region face significant climate challenges such as desertification which is an immediate economic risk to the Middle East.He added that $13 billion is lost due to sand storms in the Middle East annually and air pollution from greenhouse gases is estimated to have shortened average Saudi life expectancy by 1.5 years."Through the Green Saudi Initiative, we will work to raise vegetation cover, reduce carbon emissions, combat pollution and land degradation, and preserve marine life,“ Prince Mohammed said."This initiative will include a number of ambitious initiatives; most notably the planting of 10 billion