Saudi Crown Prince Mbs Plans to Build Greenhouses That Will Be Three Times Bigger Than New York’s Central Park and With Their Own Synthetic Climate, They Will Grow Crops Year-Round in the Middle of the Desert and Feed Millions of Residents of the Ambitious Neom Urban Project

Saudi Crown Prince Mbs Plans to Build Greenhouses That Will Be Three Times Bigger Than New York’s Central Park and With Their Own Synthetic Climate, They Will Grow Crops Year-Round in the Middle of the Desert and Feed Millions of Residents of the Ambitious Neom Urban Project

Saudi crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman can do the unthinkable, and if the progress of his mega projects, the Neom and Red Sea Projects are testament, he indeed achieves the unachievable. The man who envisioned a mile-long desert city has enlisted a Dutch greenhouse company to grow crops in the desert. Arid landscape and extreme summer no matter, Van der Hoeven Horticultural Projects will turn the ambitious royals’ vision into a blooming reality, pun intended.

For beginners, a horticultural area the size of 15 football pitches on the outskirts of Neom will comprise the horticulture oasis. The aim of transforming Neom City into the world’s most self-sufficient region, providing diverse, healthy food while preserving natural resources, will be accomplished first with two tests facilities built in different climate zones spread across 110,000 square meters.

Michiel Schoenmaeckers, recently appointed CEO of Van der Hoeven: “A design, build and operate contract of this scale is unprecedented in the industry, and thus we are very pleased to have been selected. As Van der Hoeven, we have a rich tradition of creating sustainable horticultural solutions to the highest technical and environmental standards. The scope of this contract allows us to realize and demonstrate the latest technologies,